Sleep Apnoea Testing

Get tested for obstructive sleep apnoea in the comfort of your own home with the help of participating Blooms The Chemist pharmacies.

Sleep Apnoea Testing

Get tested for obstructive sleep apnoea in the comfort of your own home with the help of participating Blooms The Chemist pharmacies.


Sleep Apnoea Testing

Get tested for obstructive sleep apnoea in the comfort of your own home.


Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is the most common sleep disorder in
the general population worldwide^.

Obstructive sleep apnoea

Obstructive sleep apnoea (also known as OSA) occurs when your throat muscles relax too much during sleep and stop your breathing1.


When you can't get enough oxygen, you stop breathing and your oxygen levels drop. Your brain sends a signal to wake you up, but most people with sleep apnoea aren't aware that they've stopped breathing, which can lead to poor sleep.


This pattern can occur hundreds of times a night, impacting your sleep quality and leading you not to feel refreshed when you wake up.


OSA is more common than you think, with around 5% of Australians suffering from sleep apnoea. Around one in four men over the age of 30 are affected1.


The good news is that obstructive sleep apnoea treatment can be highly effective and with the right lifestyle changes, including weight loss, cutting back on alcohol and stopping smoking, you may see improvements quicker than you think.


What is a sleep apnoea test?

A sleep apnoea test can determine whether you're at risk of obstructive sleep apnoea in the comfort of your own home.


As obstructive sleep apnoea is underdiagnosed, early intervention is crucial so you can get relief from your symptoms of sleep apnoea as quickly as possible.

How do I take a sleep apnoea test?

Before you book your overnight at-home sleep apnoea test, we recommend that you complete our Online Sleep Quiz that provides an assessment of your sleep health.


Your Online Sleep Quiz results may indicate that you do an overnight sleep test.


At Blooms The Chemist, we offer an at-home sleep test that can be completed in your home in one night without needing a referral from your General Practitioner (GP) or doctor.


Once you've completed your overnight sleep test, your results are uploaded from the testing device and emailed to an external sleep specialist that we work closely with.

How to use the at-home sleep test machine

The Somfit is a simple device that's worn on your head with no wires or chest bands. It is easy to set up and is comfortable for you to wear and provides accurate sleep test results no matter how you sleep.

The rental Somfit machine will monitor your blood oxygen levels, brain activity, heart rate, and breathing, all of which are important to determine whether you have sleep apnoea.


You can set up your at-home sleep test machine in just three easy steps:


1. Place the device on your forehead, which can collect up to 12 hours of your sleep patterns

2. Make sure that you’ve downloaded the Somfit app, which helps transmit your sleep study data to our sleep specialist

3. Go to sleep and visit your local Blooms The Chemist after you’ve completed your sleep study


Please note that there is a difference between the electrode and the device.


The electrode is the larger white part that is placed on your forehead, which can be disposed after your sleep test. However, the Somfit device must be returned to your local Blooms The Chemist, which is the smaller circular device.

Get answers to commonly asked questions

When do I get my sleep apnoea test results?


You should get your results in 7 to 10 business days after completing your at-home sleep apnoea test.


Once you've received your results, your local Blooms The Chemist Pharmacist will go through them with you to make sure you are clear on what your results mean as well as recommendations on how you can improve your quality of sleep.

How accurate are my results?


The results you get from your sleep specialist are accurate and conclusive.


Your Pharmacist will make sure you understand what they mean and explain what your treatment options are going forward.


How much does an Overnight Sleep Apnoea Test cost?


Please contact your local Blooms The Chemist Pharmacist for more information about the pricing of an overnight, at-home sleep test. To get started on your journey to better sleep, click below to book your sleep apnoea test with your closest store.


^Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Sleep-related breathing disorders with a focus on obstructive sleep apnoea, accessed 5 June 2023

1Better Health Victoria, Obstructive Sleep apnoea, accessed 5 June 2023


Video transcript

Voiceover (VO): Sleep apnoea is more common than you think, affecting 1 in 4 men over the age of 30*.


VO: Symptoms include daytime sleepiness, snoring and waking up with a sore or dry throat. If you experience these symptoms, Blooms The Chemist may be able to help. We offer affordable at-home sleep apnoea testing, and a range of CPAP machines to reduce or even eliminate symptoms.


VO: Start your journey to a better night's sleep. Book your sleep apnoea test online today or visit your local Blooms The Chemist for more information.


VO: Blooms The Chemist. Where your health comes first.




*Better Health Victoria, Sleep Apnoea, accessed 6 November 2023

What causes Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

There are a range of causes of sleep apnoea, including1:


  • Age

  • Being overweight or obese, as the fat inside your neck surrounds your throat and makes it narrow

  • Alcohol

  • Narrowed airways, large tonsils or adenoids

  • Nasal congestion or obstruction

  • Medical conditions, including reduced thyroid production


It's important to note that obstructive sleep apnoea can impact anyone, but is more common if you snore loudly, are overweight or have a naturally narrowed airway.


1Healthdirect, Obstructive Sleep apnoea, accessed 5 June 2023

What health conditions are linked to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

People with untreated sleep apnea can increase their chances of having1:


  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Strokes

  • Abnormal heart rhythms

  • Headaches

  • Diabetes


By working with your local Blooms The Chemist Pharmacist to understand the risks of untreated obstructive sleep apnoea, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and more.


1Healthdirect, Obstructive Sleep apnoea, accessed 5 June 2023

How can I treat my sleep apnoea?

You can prevent or reduce your risk of getting obstructive sleep apnea by1:


  • Losing weight if you are overweight or obese

  • Drinking less alcohol

  • Quitting smoking if you smoke


If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, and it is moderate or severe, you can use an oral appliance, use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to keep your throat muscles open during sleep or surgery in severe cases.


1Healthdirect, Obstructive Sleep apnoea, accessed 5 June 2023

Are there other sleep disorders that are like Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

A sleep disorder is known as "a condition that prevents you from getting restful sleep", and some signs you may have a disorder include irregular breathing, daytime sleepiness and difficulty going to sleep1.


Some disorders include1:


  • Insomnia, which is difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep

  • Snoring, which is very common and can be caused by being overweight, drinking alcohol or sleeping

  • Obstructive sleep apnea, which is where your breathing and oxygen levels drop as you stop breathing during the night

  • Restless leg syndrome, which is an irresistible urge to move your legs when you're trying to sleep

  • Narcolepsy, which is repeatedly falling asleep during working hours


Getting normal sleep with any of these disorders can be difficult, but you may be able to get high-quality sleep if you work closely with your doctor.


1Healthdirect, Sleep disorders, accessed 5 June 2023

How can I get tested for sleep apnoea?

There are four levels of sleep tests that you can take to determine your risk of sleep apnoea, which are1:


  • The Level 1 sleep test, which is a comprehensive sleep study known as a polysomnography and is considered the gold standard in diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea

  • The Level 2 sleep test, which can be completed at home in a single night, but you need a referral from your GP

  • The Level 3 sleep test, which is what Blooms The Chemist offers, which can be completed in your home in a single night without a GP referral

  • The Level 4 sleep test, which is completed at night in a multi-night test


To get started on your level 3 sleep test, visit a participating Blooms The Chemist pharmacy to discuss testing and pick up the sleep test machine.


You will be fitted for the machine by a trained team member, who will show you how to operate the testing machine at home.


1ResMed, Sleep Apnea Diagnosis, accessed 5 June 2023

When do I get my sleep study results?

You should receive your sleep study results from the sleep specialist in seven to ten business days.


Our team will contact you once they have your results and will go through them with you in-store.

What do my sleep study results mean?

Your results will be explained in depth to you once you go through them with your local Blooms The Chemist Pharmacist.


A key indicator of sleep apnoea is the AHI (Apnoea Hypopnea Index) which is the number of apnoea recorded during the study per hour of sleep. An apnoea is where your throat blocks off completely and no air can get into your lungs.


The severity of your sleep apnoea will be determined by the number of apnoeas you have in an hour.


Another key monitoring indicator of sleep apnoea is your oxygen saturation levels. If you're not getting enough oxygen, your blood oxygen levels may be low while you're sleeping.

Are the results I get from the sleep specialist a conclusive diagnosis?

The results you get from your sleep specialist are accurate and conclusive. Your Pharmacist will make sure you understand what they mean and explain what your treatment options are going forward.

What are the next steps after I've been diagnosed with sleep apnoea?

Your Pharmacist will work closely with you to ensure you understand your results and what they mean.


The next steps for treatment include trialling or purchasing a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, mask and accessories.


These can help you improve your quality of life and your sleep.


If you are having issues adapting to the CPAP therapy, your Pharmacist may recommend you go see a dentist for an oral appliance, including a splint.


However, the effectiveness of an oral appliance will depend on the severity of your sleep apnoea. In some cases, CPAP therapy or surgery may be your only treatment options.

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