3 ways you can manage menopause differently

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 31 Jan 2023

3 ways you can manage menopause differently

There’s a range of ways that you can manage and treat menopausal symptoms, but they depend on your own unique experience.

While some women only experience mild symptoms and don’t need to take any medication, others that have symptoms that impact their quality of life may turn to medication and therapies.

Here are three things you should consider when looking to manage menopause differently.

1. Understand your symptoms

As not every woman will experience the same symptoms, it’s important to know what you’re experiencing as you’re going through menopause.

With 20%1 of women experiencing symptoms that are so severe they significantly interfere with daily life, knowing what to look out for can help you manage your menopause symptoms faster.

Some physical symptoms you may be experiencing include:

  • Aches and pains
  • Hot flushes
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain
  • Dry, crawling or itchy skin

Some emotional symptoms you may be experiencing are:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Feeling anxious
  • Forgetfulness
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty concentrating

2. Speak to your doctor about your symptoms

If you recognise some of the symptoms you’re experiencing as menopause, it’s important to let your doctor know.

Your doctor can work with you to come up with a treatment plan for menopause, depending on how much it’s impacting your life as well as let you know what kind of treatment options are available for you.

Some women can manage their symptoms with a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating enough fruits and vegetables and exercising.

According to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, an Australian national not-for-profit that aims to improve women’s health1, your doctor may discuss the following:

  • Any symptoms you’re experiencing
  • Any potential risk factors
  • Your options, including your most effective treatment, non-hormonal therapies and complementary therapies

3. Decide which option is right for you

Your doctor will take you through a range of menopause management strategies, including menopausal hormone therapy, complementary therapies and over-the-counter medicines that are available.

Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) helps manage menopausal symptoms by replacing female hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone. You can be prescribed different dosages of MHT and take it in different ways depending on your needs, including via pills, patches or gel.

There are other complementary therapies that can help manage your menopausal symptoms, but the effectiveness of these treatments is varied.

These therapies include:

  • Hypnotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese medicine

Over the counter medicines can provide a lot of relief as well.

Femular Forte is a non-hormonal phytotherapeutic formulation, it has been clinically proven to relieve a range of menopause symptoms, including hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, mild anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, and joint pain2-4

The unique extract of Actaea racemosa (Black cohosh) known as Ze 450, used in Femular Forte5 helps to ensure each product includes the exact extract proven in clinical trials to provide relief during all stages of menopause.

If you have any questions about managing menopause symptoms, or just want to talk to a friendly face about your symptoms, head into your local Blooms The Chemist pharmacy today.

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1Jean Hailes, Understanding Menopause, accessed 30 November 2022.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

2 - Foster S. Black cohosh: Cimicifuga racemosa. A literature review. HerbalGram 1999;45:35–50

3 - Rhyu M-R et al. Agric Food Chem. 2006; 54(26):9852-9857.

4 - Burdette JE, et al. J AgricFood Chem. 2003; 51: 5661-5670.

5Department of Health and Aged Care Therapeutic Goods Administration, Femular Forte, accessed 31 January 2023