Hot/Cold Packs

Explore our range of Hot and Cold packs to soothe your pain or warm your body today. A hot pack and an ice pack are staples of your first aid kit as they both can help soothe the pain of sudden injuries.

Hot and cold pack FAQs

Heat and cold, when applied properly, can help the healing process of your injuries.

How do hot and cold packs work? 

A hot pack brings more blood to the area where it’s applied, but should not be used for the first 48 hours after an injury. 

A cold pack eases pain in an injured area by numbing the affected area and reduces swelling and inflammation.

You should never put ice directly on your skin to heal or soothe an injury. Please wrap ice or your cold pack in a towel or cloth before applying it. 

Depending on the type of injury, you can use both alternately or use one to help soothe the pain. 

When should I use a hot and cold pack? 

You should use heat therapy (or a hot pack) to help chronic conditions, such as reoccurring joint pain and neck or back pain. It can also be effective for muscle or joint tension as the heat increases the blood flow around the injury. 

You should use cold therapy (or a cold pack) when you’ve just injured yourself as it’s most effective when swelling and inflammation first begin. 

Are hot and cold packs good for back pain? 

Using both is ideal for back pain, as heat therapy (hot packs) can promote blood flow to the area, whereas cold therapy can reduce inflammation and swelling.  

If you’ve recently injured your back, you’d use cold therapy first for no more than 15 minutes and then move onto heat therapy later on. 

What’s the difference between a hot and cold pack? 

A hot pack provides heat, which can help soothe your muscles and increase circulation and blood flow to an affected area.

A cold pack provides cold, and is ideal for pain that comes on suddenly, as it reduces swelling and inflammation in the affected area.   

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