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CPAP-related dry mouth, dry nose and dry skin FAQs

Unfortunately, a side effect that some CPAP users may find while using their continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or mask due to their obstructive sleep apnoea is dry mouth and skin irritation.

How do you get rid of dry mouth from CPAP?

Dry mouth is a common complaint when CPAP users begin CPAP therapy. The cause of dry mouth can depend on a few things, including:

  • Non-heated air means that dry air is fed through your CPAP machine and mask, resulting in a dry mouth. A heated humidifier or tubing can feed moisture into the air you breathe through your CPAP machine to prevent dry mouth.
  • A severe mask leak can also reduce the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy. A leaky mask is a leading reason people stop CPAP therapy, so you need your CPAP mask refitted to ensure there are no leaks. You may also be using the wrong CPAP mask for the way you breathe, as mouth-breathing people can sometimes use a nasal mask or nasal pillow, which doesn't help them get the oxygen they need. Your doctor may recommend switching to a full face mask instead, as this covers your nose and mouth and keeps your upper airway open while you sleep.
  • The type of medications you're on, as some oral medications list dry mouth as a side effect. Speak to your doctor before beginning CPAP therapy so you can be aware of all potential side effects if you're on any medication.

  • Why is my mouth so dry with a humidifier CPAP machine?

    Even if your continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine has a humidifier, you may still wake up with a dry mouth.

    This could be because of the type of CPAP mask you're using, as nasal pillows and masks only cover your nose, and you could be a mouth-breathing sleeper. Your doctor may recommend switching to a full-face mask.

    Your doctor or CPAP specialist may recommend a chin strap to keep your mouth closed while sleeping.

    It could also be due to a decreased flow of saliva, as the high pressure and forced air created by CPAP can block the flow of saliva while CPAP users sleep. This can also result in dry nasal passages.

    How do I stop my CPAP from drying out my nose?

    Mask selection is key to ensuring that your nose and mouth don't dry out while you're using your CPAP machine and mask. The large volumes of air passing through your nostrils can cause them to dry out and become irritated.

    The humidifier in your CPAP machine should help keep your nose and mouth moist by increasing the moisture content of the air.

    If your nose is dry and stuffy, use a nasal saline spray at bedtime to keep moisture in your nose.

    The air pressure in your CPAP mask or machine may also be too high for your nasal passages, so you may need to adjust the air pressure over time to find the right amount.

    Can using my CPAP machine cause dry skin?

    If you're new to using a CPAP mask and machine, you may experience skin irritation or dryness.

    This is because your CPAP mask can create friction against your skin if you move around a lot while you sleep or if the mask is too tight.

    Condensation can also build inside the CPAP mask, creating a moist environment that may cause skin irritation.

    Keeping your face mask clean and ensuring it isn't leaky can help reduce the likelihood of dry skin. You can also use moisturiser before you use your CPAP therapy, as dry skin can make it more likely that you'll experience contact dermatitis from a CPAP mask.

    If dry skin continues, please speak to your Doctor for more advice.

    What does CPAP dermatitis look like?

    You may experience irritated skin and redness where your CPAP mask has been resting on your face during the night.

    There are two types of CPAP dermatitis: allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis.

    Allergic contact dermatitis flares up when your skin comes into contact with something you're allergic to, triggering a reaction of hives, rashes and other types of irritation. This can occur if you have a latex, adhesive or silicone allergy.

    You can also develop an allergy to the types of cleansers or soaps you use to clean your CPAP device and CPAP mask.

    The contact between the skin and the CPAP mask causes irritant contact dermatitis. It can cause red marks and be sensitive to the touch.

    It can be caused by tight CPAP masks, a lack of cleaning, and too much exposure to moisture. CPAP users should remember that cleaning their masks and machines is a necessity to avoid infection and help their therapy work as effectively as possible.

    Should I up or lower the humidity in my CPAP if my nose is dry?

    You may find that experimenting with the humidity of your CPAP machine can soothe your dry nose and mouth.

    Still, it's recommended that you manually adjust the humidity and temperature level one notch at a time. You can find the humidity and temperature levels on your CPAP device.

    What are the signs your CPAP pressure is too high?

    If you feel discomfort while using CPAP therapy, this is the strongest clue that your CPAP pressure is too high. Some people feel a burning sensation in their throat, while others get air pressure ulcers from the force of the air in their CPAP machine.

    How do I increase the moisture in my CPAP machine?

    You can increase the moisture in your machine by changing the humidity level. Please follow the instruction manual with your CPAP machine for more information.

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