
Resmed are one of the leaders in sleep technology and CPAP therapy, and their products are backed by 30+ years of expertise. Explore our range of Resmed products below and begin your journey to better sleep today.

Resmed CPAP Machine FAQs

ResMed is a leader in sleep technology and CPAP therapy, and its products are backed by 30+ years of expertise. Explore our range of ResMed products below and begin your journey to restful sleep today. 

What types of masks are available from ResMed?

The price of CPAP machines vary due to the different types of machines available.

ResMed have a range of CPAP masks available, including:

  • Nasal pillow masks
  • Nasal masks
  • Full face masks

    Full face masks might be a good choice for you if you have nasal congestion and if you breathe through your mouth.

    Nasal pillow masks rest at the entrance of your nose and a nasal mask covers the nose fully.

    Which mask is best for you can depend on how you prefer to sleep as well as which mask properly fits your face and helps you adhere to treatment.

    How long does a ResMed CPAP mask last?

    This depends on the mask part you're asking about.

    The silicone mask cushions need to be replaced every six months whereas memory foam mask cushions are designed to be replaced monthly

    Newer ResMed mask frames made of medical-grade silicone can harden over time, so it's recommended that they be replaced every six months.

    For older ResMed mask frame models that are made out of strong plastic, these are more durable than mask cushions and their lifespan will depend on how well you look after them.

    However, if they get discoloured, cracked or damaged, replace them immediately.

    Your mask headgear can lose elasticity and become stretched out over time. To ensure a tight seal, it's recommended that you replace it every six months.

    Your face masks need regular cleaning to help them last for the maximum amount of time, but will need to be replaced.

    Is ResMed made in Australia?

    ResMed operates in more than 140 countries worldwide and has manufacturing facilities in Australia, Singapore, France and the United States.

    What is the lifespan of a ResMed CPAP machine?

    As ResMed CPAP machines are medical devices that run continuously for hours at a time every night, their approximate lifespan is five years.

    What ResMed machines does Blooms The Chemist have?

    You can see the type of CPAP machines that we have above.

    ResMed are automatic machines, which means that they can automatically adjust the air pressure as you sleep as opposed to fixed pressure machines, which stay at the same pressure all night..

    We have the ResMed AirSense 10 and the ResMed AirSense 11, which is an auto-adjusting (APAP) sleep apnoea device.

    It can help you and other patients breathe more effectively, improve their sleep quality, and treat their sleep apnoea.

    The technology in the AirSense devices is designed to adjust your air pressure levels throughout the night based on your sleep position and stage of sleep to deliver high-quality therapy.

    The ResMed AirSense 11 is ResMed's premium CPAP therapy machine, as it automatically adjusts airflow hourly to deliver the lowest therapy pressure needed for effective treatment.

    The modern design of the ResMed AirSense 11 means that you can get a good night's sleep and improve your sleep health as you continue to treat your sleep apnoea.

    The ResMed AirMini Travel CPAP device is a portable travel CPAP machine that can be used as an everyday machine while you're travelling.

    However, before you head off on your travels, please ensure you have the appropriate CPAP tubing and connector for your AirFit and AirTouch masks.

    This is because the AirMini is a machine only and does not include other equipment.

    If you are worried you're not adhering to your CPAP therapy, please speak to your healthcare professional.

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