The Man Shake

Manage your weight today with the help of The Man Shake. The Man Shake can help you lose weight as a meal replacement shake, as it’s high in protein, vitamins, minerals and more. The Man Shake may help you remain in a calorie deficit, as you replace two of your meals with the shakes and feel fuller for longer. The Man Shake is designed for men who want to maintain their weight. Explore our range of Man Shake products below.

Where can I buy the Man Shake?

You can buy The Man Shake online or at any Blooms The Chemist store nationwide. To find your closest Blooms The Chemist, please visit our Store Finder page

Does the Man Shake work?

The Man Shake works by replacing one or two meals with a liquid shake that has fewer kilojules per serve than a typical adult meal. This can help manage your weight as you're consuming fewer kilojules per day than the daily recommended number of 8,700 kilojoules for adults^.If you have concerns about The Man Shake, please speak to your Pharmacist or your doctor.

^Healthdirect, Kilojules, accessed 29 August 2023

How many calories are in the Man Shake?

The amount of calories in the Man Shake change depending on the product you purchased. If you bought the Vegan The Man Shake, this has 204 calories per serving (which is 851 kilojules). The Man Shake has 209 calories per serving (which is 871 kilojules).