General Product Description
Enter a new era of expressing with a perfect balance of suction & nipple stimulation inspired by the natural way babies drink. The Philips Avent electric breast pump keeps milk flow at an optimum & gently adapts to your nipple size & shape
Natural motion technology for a quicker milk flow Express more milk in less time with a cushion that stimulates the breast to express milk just like baby. It seamlessly adjusts from stimulation mode to expression mode and applies just the right amount of teat stimulation and suction for maximum milk flow. Based on milk flow initiation time (time to Milk Ejection Reflex - MER) results.
One-size soft and adaptive silicone cushion One size fits all. Because we all come in different shapes and sizes, the silicone cushion gently flexes and adapts to fit your nipple. It fits 99.98% of nipple sizes (up to 30 mm).
Express without leaning forward Feel relaxed as you express thanks to a design that lets you sit upright rather than having to lean forward. No need to lean forward, a clinically proven comfortable expressing position.
Key Features
What is included
Model number SCF395/11