Understanding constipation: common causes and simple ways to find relief

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 4 Oct 2024

Understanding constipation: common causes and simple ways to find relief

Constipation is defined by the passing of dry or hard stools or infrequent bowel movements, which occur fewer than three times per week 1.

Although it may feel uncomfortable to talk about, some lifestyle adjustments and Osmolax may give you relief from constipation.

Some symptoms of constipation include 1:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • A bloated abdomen
  • Straining to pass the motion
  • Sitting on the toilet for much longer than usual

Some of the more common causes of constipation include 2:

  • Starting a new medication
  • Not having enough fibre in your diet
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement

Treating constipation

Treatment options may vary depending on the cause of your constipation.

If your constipation is caused by a change in medication or another medical condition, it’s recommended that you speak to your Doctor about finding a solution that works best for you.

However, if your constipation is due to lifestyle factors, there are some solutions2:

  • Try a gentle laxative. Osmolax Powder is clinically proven to soften stools and relieve constipation. It works by keeping water in the bowel, softening the stool.
  • Drink more water, as liquids help to plump out your stool.
  • Change your diet. Increasing the amount of fibre in your daily diet can help your stool move effectively through your digestive system.

For more information about constipation or digestive health, chat to your local Blooms The Chemist team.

This is a sponsored article in partnership with Osmolax. You can find more of their products here.

Before use, always read the label and follow all manufacturer's instructions and directions .


1Healthdirect, Constipation, 19 September 2024

2Better Health Victoria, Constipation, 19 September 2024