Iron deficiency symptoms you shouldn't ignore

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 9 Oct 2024

Iron deficiency symptoms you shouldn't ignore

Iron is an essential mineral that supports your mental function, muscle strength and energy.

Your body can’t make iron naturally, and if you’re not getting enough of it through your diet, you can become iron deficient.

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional disorder globally, so you're not alone if you are iron deficient 1.

What signs of iron deficiency shouldn’t be ignored?

It can be hard to spot the symptoms of iron deficiency sometimes as you may just feel tired and run down. However, keep an eye out for the following symptoms 1:

  • Feeling fatigued (tired) and weak
  • Getting regular infections
  • Performing poorly at school or work
  • Decreased libido (sex drive)
  • Struggling to concentrate or remember things

While some of these symptoms may be caused by lack of sleep or other lifestyle issues, it’s recommended that you get your iron levels checked if you think something isn’t right.

It’s also important to remember that some groups of people are at a higher risk of iron deficiency, which include teenage girls, menstruating women, pregnant women or people with poor diets 2.

What causes iron deficiency in adults?

Some dietary or medical factors that may cause iron deficiency in adults include 2:

  • Not getting enough iron through your diet
  • Blood loss, which can be caused from heavy periods, regular blood donation or nosebleeds
  • The inability to absorb iron, as healthy adults absorb around ten to 15%of dietary iron, but others aren't able to absorb iron from food sources

How can I increase the amount of iron in my diet?

While you can't change how your body absorbs iron or blood loss, you can increase the amount of iron in your diet 2:

  • Eat more foods that are rich in iron, including nuts, seeds, meat such as poultry or red meat, wholemeal pasta and more
  • Eat more cooked plant sources of iron, such as broccoli, as cooking increases the amount of iron available in vegetables
  • Add an iron supplement, like Ferro-Grad C, to your health routine. Iron tablets can be used to prevent and treat tiredness and fatigue due to iron deficiency. It also includes vitamin C, which can help optimise iron absorption.

Your Doctor may recommend an iron supplement like Ferro-Grad C if you’ve been diagnosed with an iron deficiency, but the tablets shouldn’t be taken with tea, coffee, milk, chocolate, cola or wine as these liquids reduce the amount of iron absorbed by your body.

For more information about iron, iron deficiency and iron supplements, chat to your local Blooms The Chemist team today.

If you have any questions about introducing an iron supplement into your diet, speak with your Blooms The Chemist Pharmacist for more information.

This article was written in partnership with Ferro-Grad. You can explore more of their product range here.

Always read & follow the instructions as directed.


1HealthDirect, Iron Deficiency, accessed 19 September 2024

2Better Health Victoria, Iron and iron deficiency, accessed 19 September 2024