Gentle ways to soothe mild anxiety

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 3 Mar 2025

Gentle ways to soothe mild anxiety


Living with mild anxiety or worries can be stressful, especially when it’s impacting your ability to work, study or even see friends and family.

We’ve found some gentle ways that you can incorporate into your daily routine to soothe your mild anxiety


Learn more about your anxiety

While it may be intimidating, educating yourself about mild anxiety can help you feel like you have control over your symptoms, whether they’re physical or mental.

Some physical symptoms can include difficulty in breathing, a churning stomach, trembling or sweating and feeling hot 1.

Some mental symptoms can include feeling like something very bad is about to happen and difficulty managing your fears and worries. You may also become overwhelmed by your anxious thoughts and have difficulty concentrating1.

Challenging your self talk

Challenging your self-talk can be really tricky, as the self-talk or inner thought patterns can be ingrained into your daily life.

Negative self-talk can be things like ‘I’m not smart enough’, or ‘Why should I even bother?’2.

If these kinds of thoughts are constantly running through your mind, it can make you feel like you’re not worthy of happiness and success, which you definitely are.

You can challenge negative self-talk by challenging your thoughts and reframing them. A good place to start is: Is this thought based on facts or feelings? Can you change it from ‘I can’t do this anymore’ to ‘I can just try again tomorrow’?

Making time for self-care and relaxation

Self-care and a healthy lifestyle can help you manage your anxiety when it feels like it’s becoming too much.

Regular exercise can help ease the physical symptoms of anxiety which flood your body with adrenaline and other stress chemicals as exercising burns off the stress chemicals and promotes relaxation.

Cutting back on drinks like coffee, tea and soft drink can also be helpful, as they include caffeine. In some people, caffeine can increase anxiety and alter your sleep patterns, which can worsen your anxiety.

You can also try using relaxation techniques, like meditation. Meditation can be a powerful tool for altering the way you think and can help you become more aware of your thought patterns3.

Meditation can also teach you to accept your current state of being and your thoughts without trying to change or judge them, which can help people feel more settled when they’re in an anxious state.

Consider health

Magnesium has been used traditionally in Western herbal medicine to help relieve nervous tension.

Low levels of Vitamin B and calcium may also exacerbate your anxiety symptoms. If you’ve noticed your symptoms are getting worse, you may find it helpful to visit your Doctor and get a blood test for your magnesium, vitamin B and calcium levels.

There are also over-the-counter medications available that can help soothe your mild anxiety symptoms.

Seremind can help manage restlessness and reoccurring thoughts that accompany anxious moods.

Seremind contains Silezan, which is a specially prepared and patented lavender oil that has been shown to help relieve symptoms such as nervous tension and disturbed sleep.

The one-a-day oral formula can help calm your nerves and provide relief of these symptoms within two weeks of daily use.

Try using the strategies above to help with your anxiety, but if you’re not seeing success, please visit your local Doctor for more information.

Before use always read the label and follow all manufacturers instructions and directions. If symptoms persist consult your health professional.

This is a sponsored article in partnership with Seremind. You can find more of their products here.



  1. Better Health Victoria, Managing and treating anxiety, accessed 10 February 2025
  2. Healthdirect, Anxiety, accessed 10 February 2025
  3. Calm, Negative self-talk: 8 ways to quiet your inner critic, accessed 10 February 2025