Caring for acne-prone skin

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 6 May 2024

Caring for acne-prone skin

Up to 85% of Australians will experience acne at some point in their lives 1, so it’s important to remember that you’re not alone if you have acne-prone skin. If you suffer from acne, read on for simple steps to improve your skins health. .

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that can cause spots or pimples on your face, neck, back, arms, legs or chest.

Acne can occur when hair follicles become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells, leading to the development of different types of pimples, which include 2:

  • Whiteheads, which are small white spots under the surface of your skin
  • Blackheads, which are small and blocked pores with a black 'plug'
  • Pimples, which are inflamed, red spots that can have pus in the middle
  • Nodules, which are large, often painful red bumps under the skin

What are some causes of acne?

Acne can be caused by different factors 2, including:

  • A buildup of dead skin cells and oil
  • Stress
  • Family history
  • Diet
  • Some medicines
  • Being overweight
  • Androgen hormones (these are the sex hormones that typically drive the development of 'male' characteristics), which may make your skin produce more oil

What are some lifestyle changes I can make to improve my skin?

The best lifestyle changes you can make are the ones you can stick to.

Whether you try to reduce the number of times you touch your face to stop the spread of oils or add sunscreen to your skincare routine to reduce the amount of sun damage you get while going outside, making these small lifestyle changes can do wonders for your skin 2.

There are also some things you shouldn't do to your skin while trying to treat your acne, including picking your pimples and using harsh soaps on your skin.

How can I look after my skin?

Maintaining a daily routine is a crucial step in taking care of acne-prone skin.

Improving your skin health and appearance takes time and effort, and it may take a few weeks to a few months to see significant results.

Try to shift your mindset into seeing your twice-daily skincare routine as a self-care practice. This can help you look forward to those moments where you're taking time out for you AND reaping the long-term benefits of healthier, happier skin.

What steps do I need to include in my skincare routine?

For people with acne-prone skin, we recommend you start with the following steps 3:

  • Cleanse: Cleansing helps remove dirt, oil and other unwanted debris from your skin. Cleanse once in the morning, and twice at night, using a gentle cleanser designed to balance the skin without stripping your natural oils. Using a harsh cleanser can encourage your skin to produce more oil, which can lead to more blocked pores and pimples.
  • Moisturise: Apply a light moisturiser that’s formulated for acne-prone or combination skin, to reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or oiliness.
  • Exfoliate: Once or twice a week, acne-prone skin may benefit from a gentle chemical exfoliant to help remove dead skin cells. However, make sure you treat the skin gently. Avoid harsh scrubs with microbeads or scratchy textures, as these can irritate and aggravate already inflamed skin.
  • Retinoid: A topical retinol treatment can help unclog pores. Adapalene, the topical retinoid in Differin Acne Treatment Gel & Cream, has a unique chemical structure with treatment benefits for acne sufferers.

Differin® is indicated for the topical treatment of mild to moderate comedonal (blackheads/whiteheads) and papulopustular acne of the face, chest or back. Differin Acne Treatment Gel has been specifically designed to help regulate cell turnover to keep your pores from clogging and target acne before it begins to form.

Tip: make sure you use a non-greasy sunscreen when using any form of retinoids, as this active ingredient can make your skin more sun-sensitive.

You can buy Differin Acne Treatment Gel online or visit your local Blooms The Chemist to pick up a tube today.

Differin® should be applied once a day in the evening before bedtime.

Ensure skin is clean and dry before application. Cleansing with a gentle soap-free cleanser is recommended.

Differin® is not a spot treatment – A thin film (i.e. pea-sized amount) should be applied to the entire acne-affected area(s), avoiding eyes, lips, and mucous membranes.

It's encouraged to not try and touch the treated areas overnight.

You should also make sure to protect your skin when you are in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you're outdoors, you should try to wear wear protective clothing and use a non-comedogenic, broad-spectrum, SPF 50+ sunscreen.


This is a sponsored article written in partnership with Differin. You can explore more of their products here.


1The ABC, Acne – Health & Wellbeing, accessed 20 April 2024

2Healthdirect, acne, accessed 11 April 2024

3American Academy of Dermatology Association, Acne: Tips for managing, accessed 11 April 2024

4Healthline, Acne-prone skin? Here's how to identify and create the right routine, accessed 11 April 2024