Can magnesium give you a better night's sleep?

Posted by Blooms The Chemist on 1 May 2024

Can magnesium give you a better night's sleep?

Sometimes, no matter how many sheep you count or how good your bedtime routine is, a good night's sleep can be elusive.

We explore how magnesium can improve sleep quality and support your health and wellbeing goals.

Why is sleep so important?

Sleep isn't just a period of rest—it's a cornerstone of good health, impacting everything from cognitive function to immune response.

Quality sleep can help support learning, help you cope with stress, improve your brain function, and maintain productivity.

Sleep is also essential for our mental health, as it helps maintain a healthy mental health baseline. One night of sleep deprivation can dramatically impact your mood the next day.

However, suppose you are suffering from depression or anxiety. In that case, you may find that these mental health conditions also impact your sleep, which in turn affects the way you can cope with depression and anxiety 1.

How can magnesium help with my sleep?

Magnesium is a mineral that can help support muscle and nerve function, bone and heart health, and regulate blood sugar levels 2.

In addition to the more than 350 enzymes for which magnesium is directly necessary, it is indirectly required for thousands of others 3.

There's also evidence that taking a magnesium supplement before bed may improve sleep quality 4, with higher levels of magnesium in the body associated with better sleep, longer sleep times and less tiredness during the day5.

Magnesium is found in food such as nuts (Brazil nuts, chia seeds and cashews are great options!), whole grains, dairy, and leafy greens.

You may also try applying magnesium lotions and sprays, to support relaxation and better sleep. Some studies6 show that magnesium solutions can be absorbed through the skin, and many people believe this aids in muscle relaxation, stress relief, and improved sleep quality.

Amazing Oils Magnesium Sleep Lotion, with the soothing scent of lavender and chamomile, can be incorporated in your bedtime routine.


  • Turning off electronic devices at least an hour before getting under the covers
  • Keeping your room at the optimal temperature (studies show a room that's on the cooler side can assist with sleep); and
  • Giving yourself a gentle massage with Amazing Oils Magnesium Sleep Lotion. Massage into your lower back, behind your knees, and the tops of your feet 20 minutes before bedtime.

This is a sponsored article written in partnership with Amazing Oils. You can explore more of their products here.

Always read the label. Use as directed; incorrect use could be harmful.


1University of Michigan, Sleep 101: Why Sleep Is So Important to Your Health, accessed 9 April 2024

2Government of South Australia, Sleeping, accessed April 8, 2024

3The Magnesium Factor by Mildred S Seelig & Andrea Rosanoff, accessed 1 May 2024

4Sleep Research Society, Association of magnesium intake with sleep duration and sleep quality: findings from the CARDIA study, accessed April 8, 2024

5US Sleep Foundation, Using Magnesium for Better Sleep, accessed 8 April 2024

6The University of Queensland, Permeation of topically applied magnesium ions through human skin is facilitated by hair follicles, accessed 9 April 2024